EBS Full-time MBA (MBA, Vollzeit)

Typ Master of Business Administration
EBS Business School
EBS Business School
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Studienform Vollzeit
Schwerpunkt General Management
Studienbeginn September
Dauer 16 Monate
Kosten 32.500,00€
Sprache Englisch
Benötigte Berufserfahrung 3 Jahre
Ort Oestrich-Winkel

EBS Business School / EBS Full-time MBA im Detail

Taking your individual needs and career paths into consideration, the EBS Full-time MBA programme offers three excellent track options: an Accelerated Track of 12 months for students with an extensive work experience, a 16 months Gateway to Germany Track that prepares international students for a career in the German corporate world, and an International Track of 16 months including an integrated study experience abroad at one of our international partner universities (including the opportunity to obtain a dual degree in cooperation with the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Programme in Spain).

The core curriculum will deliver a solid foundation in management, leadership and problem-solving skills. Social responsibility is of paramount importance for us and part of the curriculum. During our practice-driven programme you will tackle contemporary business issues in the classroom, in discussion with management representatives, and in hands-on project work with international companies.

Career development workshops and individual coaching sessions are available to all students. The EBS Career Services Centre holds recruitment fairs, career workshops, and other networking activities.

EBS scholarships are available. The Péter-Horváth-Foundation offers full scholarships for Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian students.

Admissions requirements

  • an undergraduate degree equivalent to a bachelor´s degree
  • fluent in English (TOEFL or IELTS)
  • 3 years work experience (5 years for the Acccelerated Track)
  • two references

Admissions procedure / application

  • completed application form
  • recent photograph
  • detailed CV or resumeé
  • copy of academic degrees and professional qualifications certificates (including transcripts)
  • copy of the English Language Certificate (TOEFL or IELTS)
  • GMAT/GRE score
  • two references


  • International Track: 32500 euros
  • Gateway to Germany Track: 32500 euros
  • Accelerated Track: 23500 euros


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