Executive MBA (EMBA) (MBA, Berufsbegleitend)

Typ Master of Business Administration
Donau-Universität Krems
Donau-Universität Krems
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Studienform Berufsbegleitend
Schwerpunkt Executive MBA
Studienbeginn Oktober
Dauer 24 Monate
Kosten 29.200,00€
Sprache Englisch
Benötigte Berufserfahrung 8 Jahre
Ort Krems

Donau-Universität Krems / Executive MBA (EMBA) im Detail

One of the hallmarks of the Executive MBA program is its comprehensive and interdisciplinary/well integrated approach to instruction. Work-experienced students will learn the latest management techniques, and at the same time, they will expand their professional and personal capabilities to get a better understanding of modern management know-how and get prepared for their next career steps.

The main topics are Strategic Management, Managerial Accounting, Corporate Finance, International Business & Politics, Human Resource Management, Leadership & Integrative Management.

Study trips to HongKong (China) and Washington DC (USA) complete the state-of-the- art Management Program. These trips include university courses, visits to corporations and evening lectures.


  • - Austrian or equivalent foreign degree (Bachelor, Master, ... ) or a comparable qualification - Min. 8 years work experience - Including 3 years of leadership experience - Motivation and commitment


Strategic Management Human Resource Management Applied Controlling & Corporate Financial Management Think International International Business & Trading Environment Managerial Economics & Applied Business Statistics Social Competences & Research Methods Global & International Politics and Business Strategic Thinking & Execution Management Leadership for Business Performance Integrative Management


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